Flood Lights

LED Puck Lights

LED puck lights offer a versatile solution to light the inside of the cabinets or the area below it. Most of the LED puck lights are either recessed or surface mounted and they add beauty to the kitchen. These lights look very stylish even when they’re turned off. The Puck lights are used for accent lighting too as create hot spots which can illuminate particular things or area. However, not all LED puck lights are recessed and they can be of semi-flush type too.

Why LED puck lights?

LED puck lights are important for additional illumination, especially when its dark and you need to illuminate only a particular area in the kitchen. These LED lights offer bright white light that can eliminate all the shadows that are created due to the presence of cabinets. If you want something that could illuminate the area under the cabinets or add design and ambiance to the kitchen, these lights are a good option.

How to choose the best LED puck lights?

LED puck lights are ideal for task lighting and these lights can make your kitchen counter-tops look beautiful. However, with the variety of LED puck lights available, it gets a bit confusing to choose one. There are many factors that should be considered before installing LED puck lights. Following are the features that you should look for in these lights:


The LED puck lights are available in either low voltage such as 12V or 24V or the normal line voltage that is of 120V. There is no major difference between these lights but the lower voltage ones have certain advantages as compared to the other lights. With the lower voltage LED lights, you can use more puck lights in a small space because these lights have smaller fixtures. The low voltage lighting systems also produce lesser heat and thus they are considered very environment friendly. The low voltage LED puck lights however need a transformer to step down the high 120V, which can be installed at a distance or inside the cabinet.

Dimming option

Getting a dimmable LED puck light is very beneficial. Though these lights will cost you a bit more because of the dimming option, but they are really helpful when you don’t need bright light. Dimmable lights can save energy this way because it isn’t necessary to use the bright white light all the time.


The wiring used for LED puck lights are either plug-in system or the hard wires. Hard wires allow you to connect these lights directly to the existing wiring system in the house and the power is obtained directly from the power source. The plug-in systems require a power outlet or socket for providing electricity. The plug-in system is the more affordable one and it is easy to use too.

Fixture lenses

To create a uniform distribution of lumens, it is important to install the fixture lenses. These lenses reduce the glare and minimize the bright reflections so that the light feels comfortable to the eyes of the viewer.

Flood Lights

LED Flood Lights

led flood lights
flood lamp-side view

LED Flood lights are meant to flood the target area with high illumination. These lights are mostly used to illuminate large areas, such as, Ports, Tunnels, Sports Facilities, Stadiums, Light Towers, etc. Flood Lights are among our major products and we offer a wide range of variety of them, specifically designed for different customer requirements and applications.

LED Flood Light Fixtures

We have successfully designed and developed an Aluminum housing for our LED Flood Light Fixtures. This light weight design helps our lights to stay cool through continuous ventilation between the lights and easy installation and replacement of lights due to modular structure. As the light stays cooler the life of our lights gets longer.
Our products are specially designed for outdoor use under harsh weather conditions. To ensure that our products can withstand these conditions, we comply with the standard requirements of Ingress Protection standards for outdoor use with the help of best available sealing material and housing of our products. After a series of stringent Quality Assurance tests, our outdoor products are rated and certified with IP66 to IP68 ratings, as per requirement. Which means that our outdoor LED Flood Light Fixtures are dust tight and completely resistant to water jets and / or submersion into water.
No doubt, LED Flood Lights can save you a lot of money in the long run but when it comes to capital investments, many are still hesitant to invest in lights. Our retrofit LED Flood Light Fixtures will help you to revamp your lighting systems to new and efficient LED lighting systems without complete replacement of lighting infrastructure. We can provide and manufacture LED Flood light Fixtures specific to your existing lighting systems, which will act on plug and play basis.

Dimmable LED Flood Lights

Some Conventional flood lights also come with specialized dimmers which use complex electrical and / or magnetic ballasts to achieve the required results. This function also reduces their life and gives you a dimming band of only 60 to 70%. However, Dimmable LED flood lights can be easily dimmed by the use of dimmers. LED lights can be dimmed from 100% of light to only 0.5% of light, this a very wide range, allowing you to chose the lighting intensity of your choice. Dimmable LED Flood Lights help you in adjusting your lights as per requirement, very often on security gates, when someone is arriving at the gate, these lights result in serious discomfort and temporary blindness to them, but with dimmable LED flood lights, the intensity can be reduced to comfortable levels without the need of completely shutting them down.

Flood Lights

12V LED Strip Lights

12V LED light strip

LED strip lights offer an easy and versatile way of lighting and they are available in RGB color changing types too. The LED strip lights can be used for lighting and decorating areas such as stairs, trees, pathways, cabinets, and many more locations. These lights are very energy efficient and they have good Lumens rating too. The low power LED lights, especially those of 12V are also very efficient and they can provide bright light without costing much. The 12V LED strip lights are now increasing in popularity because of the ease of installation and versatility. Following factors are necessary to consider before choosing the 12V LED strip lights:

Lumen (Brightness)

Lumen value is the amount of brightness perceived by the viewer. LED lights have introduced the concept of Lumens to measure brightness because for incandescent lights, only Wattage was considered as a measure of brightness. If you’re going to buy the LED strip lights, you must consider the Lumens because that will determine the brightness. You can go for the LED lights with high Lumens value and if you feel they are too bright, you can use dimmers for them too.

Correlated color temperature

The correlated color temperature of a light is the temperature rating and it is measured in Kelvin. The color temperature determines how the light will appear to the viewer. This includes the cool white light and warm white light color temperatures and all of them between them. A light source with a CCT of 2000 K to 3000 K will deliver warm white light and will look like yellow or orange. The cool white color temperatures are those which appear bluish or purplish to the eyes. You can choose any CCT depending upon your preference.

Color rendering index

Color rendering index helps you differentiate between the colors under a light source. If a light source has a low color rendering index will make it difficult for you to differentiate between a yellow object and an orange object. LED lights with CRI more than 80 are considered as acceptable for a comfortable illumination. Lights more than a CRI of 90 are bright enough and they are mostly used at commercial locations such as retail locations and for photography, art, and filming.


The wattage of the LED strip lights determine how much power the lights consume. This will determine the amount you’ll be paying for electricity bills. It is important to choose the correct power for your LED strip lights as it will help you in the long run. However, it is important to consider the wattage per foot or per meter before buying the strip lights.

Size or number of LEDs on the strip

Most of the LED strip lights are available in 5 meters length. The LED strip lights are available in various different sizes and it all depends on the requirement. Before buying the LED strip lights, the area for installing these lights must be measured and then it should be bought accordingly.

Flood Lights

LED House Lights

LED house lights
LED lamps for house

LED house lights are so efficient that you can leave the all the lights in the house on for all the day and still pay only pennies for the bill. These lights are now available in a variety of styles, types, and shapes and they are a perfect choice if you’re thinking to replace your fluorescent lights at home. LED house lights are multi-purpose and powerful lights that can change the look and feel of your house. You can change the look of your room by using the beautiful whites, bold saturates and soft pastels, and transform the look of your place.

How reliable are LED house lights?

LED house lights are 100 times more long lasting as compared to the incandescent house lights. These lights can last up to 100,000 hours and are perfect for your house if you want to invest in a lighting system for once. However, one should keep in mind that the LEDs start fading after sometime, though this happens at a very slow rate as compared to the incandescent and fluorescent lights. LED house lights are much more reliable as compared to other traditional lights and they can last longer too.

The other thing that makes the LED house lights more reliable than other lighting options is the presence of electronic components other than the light emitting diodes. The LED lights are made up of many diodes and electronic components that make them very reliable and durable.

What are some LED house lights applications?

LED house lights have numerous applications and thus they can be used in a variety of ways. LED strip lights are very stylish and affordable and they can be placed on the upper wall of a room. These lights can cast light down into the room and make the whole room illuminated. LED rope lights are another good choice that can brighten up a whole room at a very small cost. The good thing about these ropes is that they can also be cut and spliced together if you want to install them using a light switch or want to power them from a wall socket.
LED tape products are also in the market and they are very easy to install. You can install them yourselves as they just need to stick on the walls. The LED tapes use adhesive material for sticking which can be uncovered by peeling the plastic cover behind them. LED puck lights are also popular and they also have adhesive backing. These lights are battery powered and can be installed on the walls of a closet or the inner side of a shelf. The best thing about these lights is that they are very easy to install and a single battery is enough to keep them running for years.

LED house lights are a perfect replacement for incandescent and fluorescent lights as they provide good illumination and are also aesthetically pleasing. If you are concerned about brightness, lesser maintenance costs, and aesthetics of the lighting system then LED house lights are the way to go.

Flood Lights

LED Under Cabinet Lighting

LED Under Cabinet Lighting

LED under cabinet lighting can change the look of any room, particularly the kitchen where there are lots of cabinets. The LED under cabinet lights provides an ambient glow that shines upon the counters or workspaces. These lights offer a uniform distribution of light under the cabinet so that the area below the cabinets remains illuminated. These lights are particularly used at night when the general lighting is switched off or when additional light is needed to increase the brightness of the workspace.

Under Cabinet LED Lighting

How to install under cabinet LED lighting?

LED under cabinet lighting is a very beneficial thing but the question is, how to install under cabinet LED lighting? Installing LED under cabinet lighting is not a difficult task and one can install it easily using simple DIY techniques.
Sometimes the under cabinet lights are also available in the form of LED strip lights or tape lights which are even easier to install. The LED strip lights or tape lights have adhesive materials at their back which is covered with a plastic material. After removing that plastic material, those LED strips can be stick anywhere on the wall, or under the cabinets. Following steps are required to install under cabinet LED lighting:

1. The first step is to choose the various types of under cabinet LED lighting. There are different correlated color temperatures for these LED lights and they are available in warm white and cool hues both. There are task LED lights, accent lights, and LED strip lights available for under cabinet lighting. There are dimmable LED under cabinet lighting systems available too.

2. Warm correlated color temperatures are good for under cabinet lighting as they provide good illumination and promote the feeling of comfort and relaxation.

3. You’ll need supplies such as measuring tape, wire strippers, electrical tape, nuts, scissors, solder connector, and extension. It is also necessary to make sure that there is a power supply near the cabinet under which you want to install the LED lights.

4. Before installing, check the LED lights to make sure whether they are functional or not. Testing the LED lights is an important step before installing them. Testing can be done by attaching the uncut lights to the power supply and checking whether they are bright enough for under cabinet lighting purposes or not.

5. Now take measurements and cut the LED strip lights with scissors. Measure the area under the cabinet and the place where you want to install the LED lights. LED strip lights have clear marks so that they are cut evenly.

6. Cut the low voltage wire to length and wrap the positive and negative ends of the wires that are exposed. Use wire nuts to make the connection secure.

7. Now connect a solderless connector to the LED strip light. Peel the plastic cover half an inch and leave some space for connection.

8. Secure the locking tray in its original place and make sure that the mounting tray is placed correctly and closed securely.

Flood Lights

Swimming Pool Lights, Natatorium Lighting

Swimming Pool Lighting
LED Natatorium Lights

Why LED pool lights?

You are recommended to install these LED lights for your existing pool lightning. In ground pool lights are more festive and eye catching than other older incandescent bulbs. In ground pool lights have waved off other substitute lights for several major reasons such as for lesser consumption of energy, safe to use, environment-friendly and longer life span etc. Rough estimates are by 2025 or before in ground pool lights would be consuming 190 or less terawatts annually.
Everybody is seeking to replace their pool lighting system with led pool lights due to benefits over other alternate lights.

Advanced Feature of in ground pools lights

While searching for pool lights, LED pool lights have became universal option for most, offering higher illuminance and consuming a relatively smaller section of energy as compared to the conventional light bulbs. The difference in energy consumption is reduced by a factor of 90%. LED lights are reliable and long lasting, saving your precious time in in ground pool lights replacement repetitively that is somehow a difficult task for anyone.

Lighting for swimming pool

In swimming pools, proper lighting is required to enhance its features. The capability using pool lights outside the pool is much more than normal lights. These LED pool light do not require any specialized installation procedures, rather they can be placed arbitrary anywhere inside pool using electromagnets. In ground pools lights also have can easily change colors and are available at reasonably economic prices.

In-ground pool lights are expensive, reliable and complicated. The installation procedure of these lights is also very difficult. The replacement of in ground pool lights beneath water is an exhaustive process. A small kit is also available to change the color of these LED lights kit is a practical solution to upgrade your traditional lightning system into an enhanced and aesthetically appealing system. e.g. demonstrating lights of diverse colors using various led colored lights. The LED pool lights are simply plug and play products, they are pretty easily replaced. It is also possible to integrate and merge led lights, like to create an elegant appearances within the pool and its surrounding environment by having 10-15 various vibrant colors LED pool lights. It is being most extensively used because it doesn’t require much energy and it is safe to use. It doesn’t give out much heat so it can be used to adorn our homes due to safety. Its market is increasing rapidly with time and it is finding massive new application into different domains.

In ground pool lights are much popular in the market due to its sleek design and innovative specifications. It is designed to take over traditional incandescent lights and bulbs which consume much power hence creating the energy crisis. These are economical lights because you don’t need to spend much money to buy pool lights.

Flood Lights

Low Voltage LED Lighting

Low Voltage LED Lighting

front view LED lights

Low voltage LED bulb got popularity because of its safety and more lighting option. It was developed for the lighting of the landscape but now low voltage devices are commonly seen in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms and in bedrooms as well. Low voltage LED outdoor lighting system consumes only 30 watts power. This low voltage out lightning system is now commonly being used in houses, commercial buildings and in industries. It conserves lesser power and it is considered as best option for lighting.

Low Voltage LED Application

Here are key features of Low voltages lighting mentioned below.

Features of Low voltage low voltage LED outdoor lighting:-
Lesser Consumption of energy

Low voltage LED outdoor lighting are energy efficient when compared to incandescent and fluorescent lights. It emits lights similar to tradition incandescent light by consuming 20% of power. Low voltage low voltage LED bulb to provide better illumination for both indoor and outdoor lighting. As energy crisis situation is getting worse so this low voltage led bulbs are highly recommended to lighten up you’re home and commercial buildings because it conserves less energy as compared to other lighting sources. Using low voltage LED lights you don’t need to worry about electricity bills.
Less heat Dissipation:-These low voltage lights are cool to touch because they dissipate less amount of energy which helps us more in its indoor installation.

Long Lasting

Low voltage LED outdoor lighting saves us from a repetitive installation of bulbs because of its long lifespan. Low voltage LED outdoor lights are safe to use as they require 12 volts of electricity and it doesn’t require shutting down your main supply of house. It doesn’t cause any circuit break down in rain or snow falling because of consumption of low voltages.

Safe installation

These lights are safe to be installed at home either indoor or outdoor. You don’t need to call some professional electrician for its installation. You can install it by yourself easily. It doesn’t require much knowledge about how to install. There is no risk of electricity shock as it is running on very low voltage.

Low bay LED Lighting

Areas having lower ceiling are usually lighten up with low bay LED lights. It diminishes harsh reflections which produce more pleasant light in rooms. It can be used to light up different areas like basement, workshops, garages, and laboratories. You can light up any place where the ceiling is low whether is the official place or residential. Low bay LED Lighting produce bright light of more concentration. As far as its efficiency is concerned then it totally depends upon it the base fixture. It contains a protective cover which keeps it safe from any damage. And, if you use it right then it can have 60,000 hours lifespan. It saves power and money on same time.

Low voltage LED bulbs Low voltage LED bulbs are designed to be operated on low voltage. These bulbs are designed to replace traditional more power consuming bulbs like halogen and neon bulbs. These low voltage bulbs are also environment-friendly.

Flood Lights

LED Recessed Lighting

LED Recessed Lights

Recessed or Down Lights, sometimes also called as Pot Lights or LED recessed ceiling lights are the light fixture that are installed into hollow openings in ceilings. The pot like reflecting structure helps in developing a good spot light like light structure. These lights comprise of three basic parts.

• Housing – The main fixture that is fixed into the hollow portion in the ceiling.
• Trim – The front end or the visible part of the light including the thin strip around the edge.
• LED – The LED Chips or the source of light.

Introduction to Recessed LED Lights

A wide range of Recessed Lights with different power ratings up to 100W are easily available in the market. Recessed can lights are high in efficiency, thanks to the high quality and crystal clear optics which are being used. Among the available range of LED recessed ceiling lights, lights with lower power ratings are assembled without the use of power supplies, to ensure low price and low power use of lights, whereas, for lights with higher power rating, different power supplies are used to ensure efficient and long lasting lighting solution for customers.

“How to install recessed lighting?” is among frequently asked questions of those seeking lighting solutions. The installed of these lights is pretty simple, when compared to what buyers have in mind. LED recessed lighting kit comes with these lights and it is also available separately in the market for future use without the need of changing complete lights. As shown in the image below, a measured hole is to be made in the false ceiling. The canister is placed on the hole, such that the reflecting part is protruded from the hole, while the mounting frame rests on the ceiling. Connections shall then be made in the junction box. The LED bulb is then installed from below. The mounting frame can be either fixed with the false ceiling or simple rested on it which is later affixed in place with the help of the trim. Once the LED is installed, the trim is fixed on the mounting frame.

Some trims are threaded while others are clip based. Once the trim is installed the light is ready to be used. Sloped ceiling recessed lighting is not very much different from the normal ones, and neither is their installation. for sloped ceilings, the design of internal canister and the trim is slightly changed as shown below. Some manufacturers provided adjustable holder and reflectors to control the angle and direction of light.

Dimmable LED recessed lights are not much of different from normal LED recessed ceiling lights. The only difference is the use of dimmers. LED lights can be easily dimmed by the use of dimmers. LED lights can be dimmed from 100% of light to only 0.5% of light, this a very wide range, allowing you to chose the lighting intensity of your choice.

Many users intend to go for outdoor recessed lighting, but with outdoor application comes the danger of exposure of light to harsh weather conditions; therefore, waterproof recessed lighting shall be used in such applications. The ingress protection shall be selected accordingly.

Flood Lights

LED Lights for Bowfishing

LED Lighting for Bowfishing

If you’re a fishing geek you must have tried bowfishing too. Bowfishing requires special equipment that shoots to retrieve the fish. This technique of fishing can be improved by using LED lights for bowfishing. Bowfishing lights are now very commonly used by fishermen because they make shooting easier. An ideal bowfishing light setup consists of above and below water lights so that increased clarity could be achieved. However, choosing LED lights for bowfishing depends on how and where you’re going for fishing.

How to choose the best bowfishing lights?

LED bowfishing lights used above the surface of water are used for clarity of fishing and they illuminate the area under the surface of the water too. These types of lights penetrate into the water and make the target clearer for the shooter. However, to get the best bowfishing light setup, you must consider the co-related color temperature of the LED bowfishing lights. Choosing the correct color for your bowfishing LED light is a very important thing.

Co-related color temperature of the LED

The color of lights is normally expressed in terms of temperature, and it is called as the co-related color temperature. The best bowfishing lights are the ones that allow you to see even when the water is not clear or it is dark or low light in the area. LED lights are technically the best options and are also the most popular choice among the fishermen for bowfishing. The bright white LED lights are perfect for fresh and clear water but if you want to do bowfishing in stained water, warm white LED lights are preferred.

The LED lights for bowfishing are expensive but you can also get cheap bowfishing lights for sale. The best thing about these lights is that they offer a variety of light options and they run with battery which lasts very long. If you’re still confused about the color rendering index, read more.

Bowfishing LED lights

Cool white LED bowfishing lights

If you are willing to go fishing in semi-clear or clear water, using a cool white LED bowfishing light is a perfect option. These lights work perfectly in such water because the white color rendering index cuts better through the clear water. When this light will shine upon the surface of water, it will penetrate into it and illuminate the area to make it clear for fishing. This type of light will not perform well in colored or stained water. You can get these bowfishing lights for sale if you find them a bit expensive.

Warm white LED bowfishing lights

Warm white LED bowfishing lights are good for stained or colored water as they have a yellowish or amber tone. These lights are very commonly used for fishing where the water is tea stained because here white LED lights don’t work properly. The color rendering index (CRI) of this light is very good and it can reveal the objects in stained water very properly. This is because this light allows uniform dispersion and it cuts through colored water very well.

Flood Lights

LED Accent Lights

LED Accent Lights
LED hard lights (2018 version)

LED accent lighting works well when it comes to highlight and decorate indoor or outdoor areas. If you want to adorn you gardens, yards, lounges, cafes, stairs, dining halls and other places, either indoor or outdoor accents lighting can be a good choice. LED accent lights have fiercely changed outlook retail stores and markets by giving elegant styles to their showcases which attracts customers to shop. Moreover, you are recommended to use LED accent lighting in case of any wedding ceremonies and if you need to lighten up your homes. It is most widely being used because it doesn’t require much energy and it is safe to use. It doesn’t give out much heat so it can be used to décor our homes, which makes them environment friendly. LED accent lighting can be used to provide better quality light without any glare. It doesn’t distribute light in areas around it.

Application of accent lighting

Why LED Accent lighting?

Here is some brief description of advantages to go through.
• These LED lights are used because they are reliable.
• These lights have longer lives nearly 5-6 years.
• They are safer to use. They are free of electric shocks.
• These LED lights are energy efficient as they require only 40 watts.
• Accent LED lights are less prone to replacements.

Accent lights makes indoor look stunning:- Accent lights can be used to décor homes, markets, retail stores, malls and outdoor function only to present their outlook as much stunning as needed for attraction. These outdoor accents lighting can make retail store’s outlook eye catching. Customers get attracted to things that look gorgeous from outside. It is available in different soft colors like blue, pink, white etc. it is used to give a glowing look to showcases of stores and market which can draw in client’s gaze toward the expensive pieces which are highlighted with these colorful lights. But keep in mind too much use of colors can drive away your clients from your shop so try to keep it as less as you can because simple things are always beautiful.

Further, everyone wants to renovate their homes because they got fed up of usual lighting and its disadvantages too so they preferably demand outdoor accents lighting which gives elegance to their kitchens, living-rooms and bedrooms etc. Furthermore, it can also serve to decorate your outdoor functions majorly concerts, weddings, parties well. It can also used to adorn differently sized staircases in or outside houses which looks awesome.

LED accent lights makes outdoor look Eye catching
Outdoor accents lighting are purposefully made colorful to accentuate indoor and outdoor function beautiful. Colors can be as like you want to swing moods. Colors can change your mood and emotions. These lights can do much more to change your moods. It’s all up to you to choose colors to make your function looks brighter and more eye-catching. Spot lights are also employing outdoor accents lighting to enhance outlook of stages in concerts, theaters and parties. These lights give overwhelming effect to people.